“The biggest problem in communication is that we do not listen to understand.
We listen to respond."
Del Close
Authentic communications is one of the most difficult and most prized skills.
Listen to understand, not listening to respond.
Listening reduces conflict and encourages more creative problem solving.
Communication is the foundation of a productive workplace. Yet, authentic communications is one of the biggest challenges in the work place today. Email, text messages, social media and other technology solutions for communications has increased the simplicity for delivering communications,but has eroded the effectiveness of communication in the work place.
The ability to listen attentively and without judgment, advice or logic, is one of the most difficult and most prized skills for leaders to master. Emotionally intelligent leaders know that listening to employees is critical to forming strong bonds and developing an open, friendly environment conducive to creativity, productivity and high quality. Listening also reduces conflict and encourages more creative problem solving.